We’re already a month into Madi’s summer break, which is just C R A A A A Z Y. Time is flying!
I’m having such a great time with my mini me and I’m pretty sure she feels the same way. We do almost everything together and have enjoyed our summer together so far! Of course, our summer together would not be possible if it weren’t for Jack/Dad; he works hard so that I can stay home and just BE with Madi. It’s all thanks to him that this is possible, which is a real blessing to Madi and I. Jack/Dad is a real blessing to us!
Summer break started on June 1st and for the first few days, Madi just vegged out. Well, I guess I did a little veg’ing too. :) We watched movies and ate a lot of popcorn. However, on June 4, we started our summer exercise routine, which basically consists of running. Lots of running. I know, it sounds so wrong that I make my child go running during her summer break {her grandparents are feeling super sorry for her, let me tell you!}, but we’re doing this for Madi; to help her prepare for the upcoming Cross Country season. It’s a choice she made at the end of the school year – to not continue swimming {btw, her last day was June 21 though I haven't withdrew her from it just yet} and to join the High School Cross Country team. She’s a swimmer, not a runner, so our number one goal this summer is to help her become a runner.
I’m having such a great time with my mini me and I’m pretty sure she feels the same way. We do almost everything together and have enjoyed our summer together so far! Of course, our summer together would not be possible if it weren’t for Jack/Dad; he works hard so that I can stay home and just BE with Madi. It’s all thanks to him that this is possible, which is a real blessing to Madi and I. Jack/Dad is a real blessing to us!
Summer break started on June 1st and for the first few days, Madi just vegged out. Well, I guess I did a little veg’ing too. :) We watched movies and ate a lot of popcorn. However, on June 4, we started our summer exercise routine, which basically consists of running. Lots of running. I know, it sounds so wrong that I make my child go running during her summer break {her grandparents are feeling super sorry for her, let me tell you!}, but we’re doing this for Madi; to help her prepare for the upcoming Cross Country season. It’s a choice she made at the end of the school year – to not continue swimming {btw, her last day was June 21 though I haven't withdrew her from it just yet} and to join the High School Cross Country team. She’s a swimmer, not a runner, so our number one goal this summer is to help her become a runner.
So, Madi’s Dad and I have been running with her early in the mornings {at 6:30 because otherwise it is just too hot!} and in addition to the running she’s attending the High School Workouts three times a week. It sounds like a lot for a 14 year old, who’s on summer vacation, and I’ll admit, it is. But, she’s doing really great and most of the time {not always} she does it without complaint. And, the best part is that she’s getting SO much better at running with each passing day! For example, when we started running on June 4, she was only running a little over a mile before having to stop and walk. Today, she is running 4 miles with NO walking breaks! That is a fantastic improvement in just four weeks of training. Also, she has dropped 2 minutes off her 5k time. So, she’s working super hard and we are very proud of her hard work and of all the improvements she has made so far! There’s no telling what she’ll be doing by the end of summer!
Our summer hasn’t just consisted of running though; we’ve been able to have some fun too! Because I want Madi to be able to look back on this time in her life, I’ve tried to take pictures and document the things she and I do together {along with her Dad when he is not working} and I plan to share them here on our blog throughout the summer for her sake and future reference.
I missed a few things here and there, but for the most part, this is the first four weeks of Madi’s summer vacation in pictures.
So, Madi’s Dad and I have been running with her early in the mornings {at 6:30 because otherwise it is just too hot!} and in addition to the running she’s attending the High School Workouts three times a week. It sounds like a lot for a 14 year old, who’s on summer vacation, and I’ll admit, it is. But, she’s doing really great and most of the time {not always} she does it without complaint. And, the best part is that she’s getting SO much better at running with each passing day! For example, when we started running on June 4, she was only running a little over a mile before having to stop and walk. Today, she is running 4 miles with NO walking breaks! That is a fantastic improvement in just four weeks of training. Also, she has dropped 2 minutes off her 5k time. So, she’s working super hard and we are very proud of her hard work and of all the improvements she has made so far! There’s no telling what she’ll be doing by the end of summer!
Our summer hasn’t just consisted of running though; we’ve been able to have some fun too! Because I want Madi to be able to look back on this time in her life, I’ve tried to take pictures and document the things she and I do together {along with her Dad when he is not working} and I plan to share them here on our blog throughout the summer for her sake and future reference.
I missed a few things here and there, but for the most part, this is the first four weeks of Madi’s summer vacation in pictures.
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A rainbow or halo around the sun - Madi spotted this on our way to her Grandparents house, June 3, 2012 |
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Madi and Sammy during our visit with her grandparents on June 3, 2012. Watching her Dad practice his fly fishing skills - June 3, 2012 ![]() She was worn out!!
Carly and Madison goofing around on the kiddy playground during our trip to Salado, Texas - June 6, 2012.
During our walk through the town of Salado, we walked past "The Inn at Salado" which is a beautiful historic bed and breakfast. This picture hardly does it justice and was taken in the back of the Inn. This is where most weddings take place and before we decided on Hawaii, Jack and I were thinking of getting married right there under that big oak tree. June 6, 2012.
Madi and I taking getting out of the sun near the Salado Creek. Thanks to Carly who took a picture, I have a picture of Madi and I from this day! June 6, 2012.
Madi, always the little cut-up!
Madi and Carly - Salado, Tx on June 6, 2012.
That's better, Madi!
The following are all pictures taken on June 7, 2012 during our {what we like to call} "Historical Marker Drive". Madi and I have done it since she was a baby, it's just where we drive around looking for historical markers and learn about the history of the places around us.
The Coryell County Courthouse. It has a historical marker, but I don't have a picture of it. Adamsville, Tx ![]() Stanley Walker historical marker on the west side of US 281 in north Lampasas county. We stopped for a late lunch at "The County Seat Restaurant" in Lampasas, Texas
The bea-u-tiful Lampasas County Courthouse.
Hughes' Springs - off US 190 East of Lampasas.
Battle Branch historical marker, just entering Lampasas. This marker is named for an event in the Horrell-Higgins Feud in 1877. It's like the Hatfield's and McCoy's, but on a much, much smaller scale!
The Ogletree Stagestop and Post Office - A really, really neat old place in Copperas Cove, Texas.
That’s the end of the Historical Marker Drive pictures. Now, the following pictures are from Madi and Carly’s day of tubing with Johnny Dad on June 8, 2012.
Madi and Carly tubing together. This was Carly's first time tubing and she did great! Just Carly Just Madi. Madi pointing out a bird to me - LOL, she knows me too well! :) However, I didn't get a good picture of it. Boo. My girl. This is my favorite picture from this day - it perfectly sums up these two; always laughing, always smiling, always fun! Olive Garden in Temple, Texas on June 9, 2012 - Madi took this picture of her Dad and I, but didn't want one of herself. ![]() Madi's first day of High School Workouts - June 11, 2012. Workouts will last all summer long.
We went to Crystal Lake the weekend of Father's Day. This is one of my favorite pictures of Madi during our visit. Taken June 16, 2012
![]() Madi being a HUGE help in the kitchen! Making MoonPies for her Papa on June 18, 2012. The MoonPies Madi and I made together for Papa for Father's Day! June 18, 2012. ![]() Madi and I hung out with her Dad and Bella - watching them do some fly fishing at Miller Springs on June 19, 2012. Madi - dog sitting for our neighbor and good friend, Brenda. These to cuties are Rusty {the tan one with the HILARIOUS face} & Baloo. June 21, 2012 Hanging out with Jason for a short time on June 25, 2012. : ) 6am comes mighty early and Madi needs a little boost most mornings before her run. So, Madi tried her first cup of Coffee on June 26, 2012 before our morning run. Our weekly treat - Starbucks frappe's! We enjoyed these two on June 28, 2012 while taking a break from shopping. Masks! Some fun, some freaky! Pier 1 Imports - June 28, 2012. Fun stuff! Madi helped me bake again on June 30,2012. We made Coconut Petits Cakes for Cami's Birthday!
Madi giving Cami one of her gifts - June 30, 2012.
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