After our testimonials, we walked into the water with father Gary to be baptized.
Pastor Gary baptizes me. I was baptized as an infant but, made the decision as an adult, husband and father to join "my girls" and share in this experience with them. It was pretty cool!
Madi and I sharing a hug after her baptism. She was soo amazing in her desire to be baptized and her willingness to share it with her family and friends.
Madi is going under!
Next up was Olivia. She affirms her faith and...
she is submerged...
and emerges from the water.
Olivia and I sharing a hug after she was baptized with Madi and Pastor Gary looking on.
Pastor Gary congratulates the family and welcomes us as brothers in Christ.
This was a really special experience for us and we didn't mind posing for pictures soaking wet as it was really hot and muggy after waiting for almost two hours for our chance.
Our Niece Mimi was also there to support us and enjoyed a free sno-cone to boot!