Last night I tried out the Espresso Martini that I posted a recipe for here a few days ago.
In that post, I mentioned how much I love coffee but, I failed to mention that I don't really drink alcohol and up until last night, I had never even had a Martini!
I started having a class of wine here and there about a year/year and a half ago and I can only really drink the sweeter white wines. I haven't graduated to being a red wine drinker yet, even tho' I know it's better for me then white.
So, with that said, the best way I can describe this Espresso Martini, for me, is STRONG!
When I saw this martini recipe originally, I think all I thought about was - here's a nice "sophisticated" drink that I can put in a pretty martini glass and take amazing pictures of! AND it has my favorite thing in it, Espresso!! Nice!
Though it did taste like coffee, the vodka was overpowering. I think I'll try it again and tweak it somewhat in order to make it taste more like coffee and less like rubbing alcohol.
We had a good time making them tho' and everyone tried a glass....well, Madison got a "Virgin Martini" of course. Jack and Camille really enjoyed theirs. Maybe they were just being nice tho'...hmmm.
I "attempted" to take a picture of the Martini - and I say "attempted" because out of the seventeen pictures I took, none of them turned out. So, another reason to try this drink again is to get a better picture!
I cheated and doctored the picture below in a photo program of mine. It's still not a good picture but, I had to have a picture to go a long with this story. I promise the next one will be better!
This is mine
And this one was taken by a professional! Boy do I have a lot to learn!
Anyhow, I think for those of you who can drink more then the sweet white wines and who also enjoy coffee, this is a great drink for you. As for me, I'll try it again if for nothing else but a better picture! I need a do-over on this one all together.