Thursday, March 15, 2012

Early Bloomers

Yesterday, while jogging at the park across from our house, I noticed a patch of Blue Bonnets.  Because it's only the middle of March, it kind of surprised me to see them.  If I remember correctly they don't usually bloom until the end of March or very early April.  So, I'm thinking it's official - Spring has arrived! 

I couldn't just leave the park without getting a picture of these Texas beauties, so I finished my jog and took these pictures with my phone....

To me, there is no prettier sight than a field full of Blue Bonnets in the Spring.  I know this is just a patch of Blue Bonnets, but it's still very pretty and the sight of it made me happy...even though I was jogging and miserable at the time! 

Today, Madi and I are going on a little Blue Bonnet hunt together!  We're curious to see where else these early bloomers might be.  So, maybe I'll have better pictures to share with you soon! :) 

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Wordless{ish} Wednesday | Ray of light

In the right light, at the right time, everything is extraordinary.
~Aaron Rose

A ray of sunlight through a bolting/flowering basil plant.

Hoping your day is full of light.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Spring Ducklings

Around here, spring usually comes a bit earlier than the calendar says it should (March 20) and last year, it seemed to skip us altogether. For now though, the signs of spring are all around from new green leaves and flower buds to birds singing in the cool mornings. Nothing says spring like little ducklings out in the creek with their momma. We stumbled upon these little muscovy ducklings during a recent visit to Yetti Polk Park in downtown, Belton. They stuck pretty close to their mom but, posed for a few candid shots.

See ya!