Monday, July 9, 2012

From a Swimmer to a Runner

I officially withdrew Madison from Swim Belton today.  I can honestly say that after 3+ years of swimming, her Dad and I are a little sad to see it come to an end.  But, at the same time, we are very happy and very proud of her for the new direction she is taking in sports - Cross Country.  Going from a swimmer to a runner hasn’t been easy so far, but with our encouragement, Madi’s running is getting better with each passing week.  We just pray that Cross Country is good to her {as long as she’s putting in the effort, we’re sure it will be} and that she finds what she is hoping for in the sport.
One of my favorite swim photos of Madi.  I’ll miss watching this girl swim – especially that nice butterfly stroke she has!

Madison:  We love you and we are proud of you no matter what you choose to do in life.  As you know, one of our rules is that - if you choose it, follow through with it.  I know we push you pretty hard and expect a lot from you, but I want you to know that we do it for YOU!  We do it, not only so that you learn to dedicate yourself to something and work hard at it, but also so that you learn integrity – the importance of following through with the commitments you make in life.

Cross Country was a choice you made {a huge twist in the Johnston’s game of life}, but it’s one that involves our whole family because you need {for now} to be pushed.  You need constant supervision so that you put in the work/miles.  I’m pretty sure that one day running will become something you want to do, not something you have to do because we make you. But, until that day, just know that your Dad and I will be right beside you; supporting you {first and foremost}, encouraging you, pushing you, and yes, sometimes downright yelling at you in frustration because we know you can push harder!  But, also know this; that we’ll be doing all these things because we care about you, we love you and we want to see you succeed in everything you choose to do in life.

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