~Madi in her dorm room getting ready for the group meeting.
Thankfully, Madi is rooming with a friend of hers from school who is also on the Swim Belton Team. So, she's very happy about that and we are too.
~She was really nervous because she thought she was going
to miss the first group meeting. She didn't.
~Mimi hanging out while we got things in order.
~Jack and Madi huggin' just before Madi had to go.
~Madi and I. Aww, I miss you Madi!
Jason's standing in the background wearing his A&M gear -
all in support of Madi! What an awesome cousin!
~The group meeting. It's a small group - smaller then last year anyway.
~Madi, wearing her new Texas A&M Swim Camp T-Shirt.
Luckily, we were able to hang out with her for a
few more minutes after the group meeting.
~Yay! A picture where Madi is actually smiling!
This is where we said good-bye and let Madi go on to dinner.
Before we left the dorms, I took a few pictures of the pool area just outside of Madi's room.
~Madi's window overlooks this area.
~and this is just off to the right of the area in the picture above.
We've talked to Madi several times since we dropped her off yesterday. So far, she has had two swim practice sessions and is having lots of fun. I'm ready to go back and pick her up and I can't wait till Thursday already! You can look forward to a post and pictures all about Thursday's happy reunion!
Happy Sunday! Hope your having a great weekend.
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