Sunday, June 13, 2010

Aggie Swim Camp

Yesterday, Jack, Jason, Mimi, Madison and I drove to Collage Station to drop Madison off at Texas A&M for Swim Camp fun! As you may recall, Madison went to Texas A&M for swim camp for the very first time last summer. She was so excited to go back this year. Jack and I, not so much! We miss her SO much when she is gone! No kidding, it's sad! But, we can't hold her back from opportunities like this just because we miss her and even though it's hard for us, we are excited and happy for her. We know she's going to learn a lot and have fun doing it! Before we actually dropped Madi of at A&M, we stopped by Jack's Cousin Bill and wife Johnna's house for a visit. They live in College Station - just minutes from A&M and Madi's dorm. It was a nice visit spent catching up with Bill, Johnna and their two girls; Joy and Anna Kate. Unfortunately, I didn't get one single picture! I was too busy chatting with Johnna and entertaining Anna Kate who, to my absolute delight, wanted to sit in my lap and and play with me. Madi, Mimi and Jason played with the kids, but mostly with Joy since Anna Kate was hanging out with me. At one point Joy was running after Jason with a pink tutu saying - "Boy, put this tutu on!" Then she told Jack and I that she was going to "make him wear the tutu" and then she was "going to tease him." Too funny. Too cute. After our visit, we headed to the dorms (Cambridge @ College Station) where Madison will be spending the next five days. As is usually the case with us, we got there a little late. In our defence, we had 45 minutes after leaving Bill and Johnna's to get there (plenty of time!) but we only had an address which took us to an administration building rather than the dorm. Then, while trying to figure it out on our own we got a little turned around! Anyway, by the time we arrived, Madi had about twenty minutes to get to her room, change into her bathing suit and unpack her things before the groups first meeting. Jason and Jack were a huge help! They carried everything from the car to the room while I got Madi all signed in. We didn't have much time, so I only got a few pictures.

~Madi in her dorm room getting ready for the group meeting. Thankfully, Madi is rooming with a friend of hers from school who is also on the Swim Belton Team. So, she's very happy about that and we are too.

~She was really nervous because she thought she was going to miss the first group meeting. She didn't.

~Mimi hanging out while we got things in order.

~Jack and Madi huggin' just before Madi had to go.

~Madi and I. Aww, I miss you Madi! Jason's standing in the background wearing his A&M gear - all in support of Madi! What an awesome cousin!

~The group meeting. It's a small group - smaller then last year anyway.

~Madi, wearing her new Texas A&M Swim Camp T-Shirt. Luckily, we were able to hang out with her for a few more minutes after the group meeting.

~Yay! A picture where Madi is actually smiling! This is where we said good-bye and let Madi go on to dinner. Before we left the dorms, I took a few pictures of the pool area just outside of Madi's room.

~Madi's window overlooks this area.

~and this is just off to the right of the area in the picture above.

We've talked to Madi several times since we dropped her off yesterday. So far, she has had two swim practice sessions and is having lots of fun. I'm ready to go back and pick her up and I can't wait till Thursday already! You can look forward to a post and pictures all about Thursday's happy reunion!

Happy Sunday! Hope your having a great weekend.

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