Thursday, April 29, 2010

Dad is great! Give us the chocolate cake!

Today is my Dad's Birthday! It's the first time he's been at home for his Birthday in many, many years, which makes today even more special!

When I think about my Dad I think about his strong, silent personality and hard work ethic. I guess that's because those are the qualities I witnessed as I grew up and the qualities I most admire about him.

But, Dad also has a funny, goofy, playful side. He always has. He loves to cut up and can be quite a character, as you can see in the picture above where he poses with a new "Dawgs" coffee mug and models a new hat.

Every time I see or hear something of Bill Cosby's, I think of my Dad and laugh. When my sisters Melanie, Gennie and I where growing up, my dad was famous for passing gas and blaming it on imaginary animals. Usually an elephant.

As a child, I had never seen (or, if I had I was too young to remember it) the "Bill Cosby:Himself" stand-up act. However, about four years ago I had the opportunity to watch it. It is Hilarious! The funniest thing ever!

When Bill Cosby said ~"My father would pass gas and then blame it on imaginary animals" I laughed hard and thought, "WOW, my Dad did that too!!" um, well as Jack pointed out, he probably got it from this hilarious skit performed back when I was just 6 years old.

I think one of the reason's I found the stand-up routine so funny was because it was so spot on! So indicative of the lives of parents and their reactions to things.

In celebration of my Dad's Birthday, here are a few funny Bill Cosby quotes that remind me of my Dad and the role he played in our family...

*I am not the boss of my house. I don't know how I lost it. I don't know where I lost it. I don't think I ever had it. But I've seen the boss's job... and I don't want it. ~HA! I know this is exactly how my Dad viewed it! *Every father says the same thing: "Where's your mother? ~I heard this and, "Go ask your mother" a lot from my Dad! *I asked my father for a dollar for the school picnic, he told me how he killed a grizzly bear with his loose-leaf notebook. ~Oh we heard all about it, except his story involved bare feet, a hill, miles of railroad tracks and peanuts! And here are a few things I know my Dad witnessed and, what he must've thought... *My wife grabs a yard stick... holds it like a samurai warrior... and announces that the beatings will now begin... by saying, "I HAVE HAD... ENOUGH OF... THIS!". Now these three brain-damaged people have the nerve to looked surprised! ~HA!! This one cracks me up every time! Just for the record though, it wasn't often and it was with a belt and not a yard stick! haha! I know having three girls, for my Dad, wasn't easy. He was the only male in an otherwise all female house. That couldn't have been easy! But, he did it and he is still mostly sane today! (again refer to the photo above) :) Dad we love you and wish you a very, very happy Birthday today and a loooooong nap in your favorite chair!!!!

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