Tuesday, August 4, 2009


I wanted to take just a few minutes to talk about someone who has no idea how special she is. This person, has no idea that she is wonderful and the quote that adorns the side of our blog is meaningful to us because I came across it several years ago and emailed it to her because it was more true for her than anyone I had ever known. You see, she doesn't know that she is beautiful, she can't see the way she can light up a room or hear the music that we do when she laughs. She has no idea how much joy her smile brings to all around her or how much darker our lives are without her. She lives in some strange parallel world where she doesn't really matter, where she is easily forgotten and where the things that matter to her don't count for much. In her world, she isn't photogenic or pretty at all. In her world, no one really even notices that she's there except maybe to call her once in a while and complain about other, more important things going on in their lives. Her distance from the world that the rest of us live in causes her to hang out on the outside of things most of the time and she regrets that someday, there won't be any pictures with her actually in them, instead of behind the camera. If I had it in my power, I'd give her one gift...the ability to see herself through my eyes or any one's eyes other than her own. You see, she has no idea what she means to this world. If you know someone like her, please take the time today to let her know that she is beautiful and interesting and more than anything, that she is essential. I love you, Olivia.

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