We spend a lot of time outside as a family - we all {Madi is getting there slowly but surely} have a great love of the outdoors. So, when the weather is as beautiful as its been for the past week {a rare thing since it is the first week in January}, we try and take advantage of it and get outside.
This particular warm and sunny January day, we decided to feed the ducks at Nolan Creek here in Belton. The City of Belton is really working to beautify the creek as well as the whole down town area, so it has become one of our favorite spots in Belton.
There's always something to see on the creek - especially nature related. I go there just to walk around with Bella and my camera whenever I have a free day. I've captured tons of photos and have enjoyed many quit hours with nature on the creek. But, it's the times when Jack and Madi are with me that I enjoy the most.
It's times like these...
Gimme that! |
It's not fair! The ducks are eating it all!
Madi laughing at something one of the ducks did. |
Bella considering going in after the bread that Madi and Daddy are throwing in - or maybe it's the ducks she's wanting.
Back off dog! |
This picture cracks me up because she looks so vicious!
This time she has a super cute face! :)
Our girl. |
The Belton Courthouse |
It's hard to see, but there is a hawk on the corner of the courthouse. |
The backside (I think) of the Belton Courthouse. |
Is that a spider?! |
Madi and Bella chasing the ducks. |
Time to rest |
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