Madison came home with her three-week progress report yesterday (I can't believe it's that time already) and currently, she has all A's! Yay Madi! She made a 100 in her Math and her P.E. class and has 99's in two other classes! Madi is great at math, unlike her mom! Come October, she will be tutoring me in my college algebra class. Anyway, her lowest grade was a 95 so, her hard work is paying off. We made a big deal of it but, also told her that the first three weeks are the easiest and that it will only get harder from here. We want her to know she is doing awesome but, that she has to continue to keep her positive attitude and continue to work hard to keep her grades where they are.
Also, Madison has been practicing the butterfly all week at swim practice. It's the hardest swim stroke for her and her least favorite. However, she has been first in her group all week. That's just fantastic. We are so proud of our girl!
As for me, I made it through my first speech in my Public Speaking class without passing out. This is HUGE for me because I'm very quiet, I don't like to be around (and definately not in front) of a lot of people, I don't like attention...if I'm being honest, I don't even like to be looked at. So, being up in front of 25 or so fellow students, all eyes looking at me, having to talk about myself, was not easy for me. But, I did it and I made an A! Honestly, I have to credit the other students, they we very supportive and laughed at all my corny little jokes. They really made me feel at ease.
Okay, so when I said this week has been good for "everyone",I wasn't including our four legged kid, Beans (Bella). Jack and I have caught her eating the cats' food serveral times this week. This is something she just started doing and she is now obsessed with their food. Even when there is no food in the bowls, she patrols the area around and takes a big sniff and glances in the direction of the bowls real quickly so that she doesn't get caught. She will head toward the cat bowl next to her water dish and if she hears us stop talking, walk toward her or start to tell her NO, she darts for her water dish trying to fake us out! She's a brat!
However, the best part of our week and what made a good week a great week, was a visit from our sister-in-law Lindsey and nephew Jackson....
They came out for a few days to visit with mom and dad Johnston and Jack, Madi and I took advantage of the oppurtunity to spend time with them. We really enjoyed their visit and the chance to be around this handsome chubby-cheeked sweetheart!
I, of course, got lots of pictures....
Jackson setting in the Bean Bag watching the Baby Einsteins...
...which he is seriously into.
Madison showing Jackson a book
Eating...look at that face, and those beautiful blue eyes!
Camille, Lindsey, Jackson and I went looking for a Halloween costume for Jackson. He liked the lion alright but, he didn't like the chicken.
Cousins ~ Madi and Jackson. Madi loved being around Jackson. She thinks he's "soooo cute!"
Go ahead...I know you're thinking it - AWWWWW!!
I WANT THOSE PICTURES!!! Those are great and I LOVED the post of course! Great Job girl and tell Madi awesome job on the good grades!