Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Through the window...

Jack put out bird feeders in our front yard on Saturday evening.  He carefully  arranged them so that we could see the birds through our office window when they came to feed.   I was thrilled and on Sunday morning,  I was up at 7:30am hoping to find some feathered friends hangin' out in our front yard.  I wasn't disappointed.  Within an hour of  "bird watching", I saw and photographed a male Cardinal, a female Cardinal, and a Yellow-Rumped Warbler.  I also got a quick glimpse of a house wren but, didn't get pictures of it.

I took tons of pictures, but since they were all taken through the window, they aren't as crisp and clear (just a tiny bit filmy looking - our window could use some cleaning obviously!) as they would be otherwise.  Even so, I'm happy with the pictures; they turned out pretty good. 

Male Cardinal on our Crape Myrtle tree.

~The female Cardinal.   You can see the male Cardinal in the background.

~enjoying his breakfast.

~And last, but not least, a cute little Yellow-Rumped Warbler. 

Yesterday, there were even more birds that stopped by to enjoy our feeders.  I saw a pair (maybe the same pair) of Cardinals, a Yellow Rumped Warbler, two or three wrens and one house finch.  As I write this post, I can look out the window and see a house Finch resting in the Crape Myrtle tree.  He is just setting there all puffed up (it's a really cold morning - only 25 degrees) and is as cute as can be with a red head and chest.  I've taken several pictures of him/her that I would like to share later in the week.

So, all thanks to Jack, I can now see a bit of nature without actual going out into the cold! :)  I know that sounds lazy, but I really do dread the cold.  For now, taking pictures through the window is just fine with me!  I'll be waiting for Spring in the warmth and comfort of my house.  

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