Monday, October 18, 2010

Not only is she super goofy....

She's super smart too!!  Really.

Madi got her first six weeks report card last week and I’m so proud to say that she made all A’s! You can’t do better than all A’s, so Jack and I are very happy/proud parents!

Madi pretty much always makes good grades, but this year (7th grade) started off at a frantic pace and for awhile Jack and I were worried, wondering is she would be able to keep up with all the school work plus all the swim practices and all extra curriculum activities with swim and choir. But she has really surprised us with fitting it all in and still getting all A’s! Awesome Job, Madi! You make us so proud!!

So, because Madison made such good grades and because we felt like she deserved a little fun, Jack and I let her go to the High School Homecoming football game and the Junior High Homecoming dance this past Friday night WITHOUT us! You guys already know how huge this is for Jack and me! We’re the type of parents who chaperone everything and get involved with the activities. But, we understand that we have to give Madi a little bit of space, it’s not healthy to not let her experience things (at this age anyway) without her parents breathing down her neck. So that’s why, when she asked if she and her best friend, Carly, could go to the game together without adult supervision, we said yes. She earned it and so did Carly, who I’m pretty sure has never made anything less than an A – ever!

Jack and I took the girls out to eat just before the game started and tried our best to prep them for the night ahead. We must’ve told them a thousand times to be safe, stick together, hide your money, don’t talk to strangers, call if there’s any fighting going on at the game, call if you need a sweater, call if you need anything, don’t leave the lighted areas, don’t walk outside of the football field until we text or call you to tell you we are standing there waiting, and the list goes on! We agreed to not chaperone, we didn’t agree not to give our safety speech or worry!!

Anyway, after dinner we drove the girls over to the High School and I walked them up to the ticket booth. We had started worrying long before we dropped them off, but now the questioning our decision began. Was it the right decision or were we bad parents for just dropping two twelve year olds off at a football game?? I mean really, what were we thinking??? And, because we obviously needed to feel even more negligent, Madi’s cell phone battery died just before half time! Nice! The one thing we hadn’t thought of – the cell phone battery! Thankfully, just as we were about to walk over to the stadium (it’s just right across the street from our neighborhood), Madi called to tell us that her battery was dying and that she and Carly were ready to come home to get ready for the dance. So, we went on over and met them outside the stadium.

As we walked home, Jack and I asked the girls tons of questions, but they really didn’t seem to mind. They were both very chatty and more than happy to talk about the fun they had at the game. They were so chatty that they came right out and talked about how Madi (our Madi, our baby!) was “touching Dalton’s hair” because “it was soooo soft”!!
*Madi, you’ll love reading this story someday I’m sure, but for now, you’re just going to be embarrassed that I shared that little fact!

I’ll skip writing about how Jack and I feel about the whole feeling-of-Dalton’s-hair-thing. I really don’t have the energy right now, but I will say that neither Jack nor I blew a gasket.

After a quick few minutes at home, Jack and I drove Madi and Carly over to the dance. The dance was held in a beautiful old church in downtown Belton. After talking with a super nice lady at the door, Jack and I felt much better about the kids’ safety. We were so glad it was held at a church and so relieved that the adults really seemed to care about what the kids would be doing while there.

The girls were safely home, chatting, laughing and eating homemade chocolate chip cookies by 11:30pm. It was the absolute best ending to a really hard night for Jack and me!! I’m pretty sure it was the best ending for Madi and Carly too!
I didn’t take pictures! Sorry!

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