Saturday, July 24, 2010

2010 Summer Junior Olympics Swimming Championships

Last weekend, July 16-18,  The 2010 Summer Junior Olympics Swimming Championships North was held at Madison's swim club/team, Swim Belton.   

Madison participated in six events, three (200 Yard Freestyle Relay, 100 Yard IM & 50 Yard Freestyle) on Saturday and three (200 Yard Medley Relay, 100 Yard Freestyle & 20 Yard Butterfly) on Sunday.  She did very well and improved her time in each event. 

As a team, Swim Belton finished in 2nd place!  Very exciting!  

~The butterfly stroke during her first event - 100 yard IM
Here are some pictures I took of Madison during her individual events. 

Her first even was the 100 IM - which consists of the butterfly stroke, backstroke, breaststroke & freestyle. 
~Her butterfly stroke looks really, really good!!

~The backstroke during 100 Yard IM
~Breaststroke during 100 Yard IM

~Last stroke (freestyle) of the 100 Yard IM.
Madison did really well in this event. She was first in her heat! Awesome job, Madi!
 Madi in the warm up pool after 100 Yard IM (above) and Madi on the diving board for her 1st event on Sunday - 100 Yard Freestyle (right). * I did include the 50 yard freestyle photos - didn't want to double up since she did two freestyle events.

Madi finished third in her heat in the 100 Yard Freestyle event. She improved her time by nearly four seconds!

~Madi's final event - the 50 Yard Butterfly. 
Look at her!  She looks awesome!

~Smiling at her Dad & her friend, Maggie.
~Butterfly stroke on the way back.
Madi finished 4th place in her heat.

Blogger and I aren't really friends right now!  It's been a pain to use since I elected to use their new editor thingy.   I've been working hard the last few days to figure it out, but either I'm a slow learner (most likely the case) or it's just crap!  Anyway, the picture above belongs WAY up at the top of this post - with the 100 Yard IM pictures.  It was there originally, but has mysteriously moved way down here - at the bottom of this post.  I can't figure out how to get it where it belongs, so it's here - at the bottom of this post!  But, I like the picture so much that I'm going share it even if it is here - at the bottom of this post!  Take that Blogger!!! 

Blogger and I will continue to duke it out and if I win, I plan to write about a giant sunflower that was growing in our back yard.  Might not sound to interesting, but it made me happy and I took tons of pictures of it.  So I can't not share the story!  Anyway, if I lose the battle with blogger, this will be our last post, obviously.


  1. I hope she knows how proud of her I am! Love her dearly and miss her bunches!
