Friday, March 19, 2010

Welcoming Spring!

Tomorrow marks the first day of Spring
since this is my favorite season, I welcome it joyfully!
I've missed the vibrant colors of Spring.
I've missed the blooming fruit trees and their soft white beauty.

I've missed the dandelions. * The sunny happiness of a dandelion is often overlooked. But, not by me. * I love it's bright yellow florets, even though they are a weed. (*Jack has been considering using these edible weeds in salads, stews, soups and such...yes, really. I'll let you know if we decide to try it.)

I've missed all the beautiful birds that fill bird our birdhouses
and make such sweet sounds.
This one has been living in the Crape Myrtle tree in our front yard
for a few weeks now.
I took this picture through the window because she is super shy
and doesn't come around if we are outside.
She has a patch (or two) of that sunny happiness too...

I've missed my favorite little bug, the butterfly. I've missed being outside in the fresh air, enjoying a lazy breeze and not freezing my buns off while doing it. * Days with weather so nice you just have to spend it swinging on a porch swing or sitting by a creek listening to the water flow, the wind rustling in the trees, the bee's buzzing about and the sweet cadence of a wind chime somewhere in the distance.

-or- Maybe a day spent swinging on a rope swing hanging from an old oak tree, making you feel like a kid, taking you back to a simpler time. (*Madi and I discovered this treasure during one of our outdoor adventures this week. I plan to write a post later about it.)

Spring, I welcome you!

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